HSUS attempts more bans - Say NO ! - - National Animal Welfare Assco

Say NO to HB 3482 - - National Animal Welfare Assco

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HB 3482 is set for hearing at 8am TOMORROW, Thursday, March 30, 2023.
We need your OPPISITION today!

Texas House Bill 3482 amends current law and will have implications for reptile keepers, and ALL other animals that are required to be permitted.

HB3482 also affects mammal species classified as “dangerous wild animals” in Texas. It was introduced by Representative Chris Turner, (D- Arlington).

HB 3482 wants to let animal-rights organizations in as “agents” to act as law enforcement with animal control authorities.

The bill proposes to and “agent” to the list of authorized persons of an animal control authority within each county. While the word seems harmless, IT IS NOT! What this means is that a county may wish to sub-contract certain animal related task, including inspections, approval, and access to any property, at anytime where a permitted DWA (animal) may be.


And this is exactly what their plan is:

Katie Jarl, who was at the time the Texas Director of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) stated in an open meeting in north Texas that:

In a perfect world, there would be a prohibition on these animals as private pets. The only people that would be allowed to own them are accredited zoos and sanctuaries. That is something that the Humane Society of the United States and Texas Humane Legislation Network, we have had multiple meetings with lawmakers on this. We really are going to be pushing this legislative session for that registry. If there's a way for us to better identify and track these animals and know where they are so we can act on them, perhaps then we'll be able to better identify what the problem is in the state of Texas.”

Just last session Laura Looney the current Texas Director of the Humane Society of the United States, while testifying against the Working Animal Protection Act in the Agriculture and Livestock Committee on March 18, 2019 stated:

And we believe that it is local governments and local stakeholders and local experts who are best suited to determine whether or not an animal enterprise or business using working animals is in line with the best practices for their own individual communities.”

Only when it benefits their agenda will HSUS change the reason for laws. No solid stance, but only political flipping back and forth.

And HSUS told us they were targeting the exotic animals, (licensed ones) in Texas and were still wanting a “hit list” to go after them.

Furthermore, there is now a federal ban on having such animals privately. The Big Cat Public Safety Act went into affect in 2022 and prohibits private ownership of such animals, and those that have them now must let them die off, with no replacement.

Federally licensed, (commercial) facilities that have such animals and are able to pass rigorous inspections and strict licensing standards are allowed to possess them. But that’s not good enough!

HSUS wants to slime their way in under the guise of an “agent” and to further their agenda.

But here is the best part!

HSUS will not tell you or the lawmakers in Austin that the current Texas Dangerous Wild Animal Act  already gives each county and animal control authority the authorization to change, add, modify or other wise designate outside agents within the Act. They can add as many animals or snakes as prohibited at anytime, and just like HSUS testified to, “And we believe that it is local governments and local stakeholders and local experts who are best suited to determine whether or not an animal enterprise or business using working animals is in line with the best practices for their own individual communities.”

Snakes are regulated by TWPD under the “nondomestic animal that the commissioners court of a county determines is dangerous and is in need of control in that county” found at 31 TAC §§55.651-65.656: All non-indigenous (species not native to Texas) venomous snakes and the following constrictors: African rock python (Python sebae), Asiatic rock python (Python molurus), green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), reticulated python (python reticulates), and southern African python (Python natalensis).

The Humane Society of the United States has a darth history of corruption, deception, fraud and twisted tails. Some states have even taken a stand and backed out of legislation when they found out they (legislators) were mislead., (read the files here)

Take 60 seconds and voice your opposition and block the anti-animal ownership agenda from the activist, NOW!

Click HERE to make your opposition known to the Committee. You can also copy and paste the below opposition text.

Sample text:

I urge you NOT to support HB 3482 which among other things attempts to add the wording of “agents” to preform as the animal control authority in licensing under the long standing Texas Dangerous Wild Animals Act, (DWA).

This would allow for animal rights organizations to infiltrate these counties and further their anti-animal ownership agenda even further. The Texas Director for HSUS Laura Looney, openly stated on March 18 last session that:

“We, (HSUS) believe that it is local governments and local stakeholders and local experts who are best suited to determine whether or not an animal enterprise or business using working animals is in line with the best practices for their own individual communities.”

Only when it benefits their agenda will HSUS change the reason for laws. No solid stance, but only political flipping back and forth. And HSUS told us they were targeting the exotic, (licensed ones) in Texas and they were still wanting a “hit list” to go after them.

Section 240.001 of the Texas Government Code already gives authority to counties to add agents and/or “prohibit any nondomestic animal that the commissioners court of a county determines is dangerous and is in need of control in that county”.

Just as HSUS has stated, the past Texas Legislators agreed with this when they passed the DWA. Individual counties are best suited to draft their own regulations when dealing with such animals.

Snakes that are regulated by TWPD under the “nondomestic animal that the commissioners court of a county determines is dangerous and is in need of control in that county” found at 31 TAC §§55.651-65.656: All non-indigenous (species not native to Texas) venomous snakes and the following constrictors: African rock python (Python sebae), Asiatic rock python (Python molurus), green anaconda (Eunectes murinus), reticulated python (python reticulates), and southern African python (Python natalensis).

The Humane Society of the United States has a dearth history of corruption, deception, fraud and twisted tails. Some states have even taken a stand and backed out of legislation when they found out they (legislators) were mislead., (see https://nationalawa.org/hsus)

I ask that you DO NOT SUPPORT HB 3482 by letting these activist groups mis-lead and infiltrate counties to further push their anti-animal ownership agenda.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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